Monday, February 7, 2011

Girl gets revenge on ex-boyfriend by spamming Google with his image

NOTE!!: BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU PUT ONLINE (forums, online dating, Facebook, etc) about Yourself and ANYONE else!!! - Sometimes even GOOGLE can't remove it!

It may be a tale as old as time but, in a modern version of 'hell hath no fury like a woman scorned', a teenage boy's ex-girlfriend has wreaked her revenge by spamming Google with his image.

Using a picture of hapless Jack Weppler, his former partner has pasted his image all over the search engine under such unloving messages such as 'I can't read', claiming unfashionable rocker Kenny Loggins 'is my saviour' and he's working in the gym 'on my two pack'.

He comes in for further ridicule with an assessment of his fashion sense: 'V-necks. Mom jeans' and the camp avowal 'This diva needs his stage', alongside dozens of others which are not fit to print.

The cyber-attack has left him 'stressed out and embarrassed', according to his mother, who apparently wrote to Google's webmaster help forum for advice on how to remove the images.

She wrote: 'My minor son's ex-girlfriend took a copyrighted picture of him (we own copyright) and uploaded it more than 60 times to a website.

On each image she wrote slanderous, defamatory and pornographic captions.

'The webmaster of the site states he removed the images 6 weeks ago, but Google Search still shows all the images.'

'My son is so stressed out and embarrassed and we've done everything we can to get images off of Google including URL removal tool, a letter to Google Legal with all the URLs because of copyright infringement, and nothing has worked!'

Online commentators have commiserated, but advised that no one should upset a partner with such technical knowledge of search engines.

A Google spokeswoman said: 'We crawl, index and rank millions of web pages everyday, to make content discoverable and searchable for users online.

'To get content removed, users should contact the webmaster or owner of the site where that content appears.

'They can also file a removal request with Google at:'

original article here


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