Monday, April 18, 2011

GARY STONE: Relentless, Delusional, Boring

for almost THREE YEARS Stone has not let up on his victims - nothing works to stop him - he seems to have nothing better to do than to blame, rant, fingerpoint and keep on & on & on...

to those of you who have written us about how validating this is, hang in there... most of these people eventually give up - unless they're like Gary Stone

EOPC has their mail from him directed elsewhere. The "authorities" he keeps "reporting everyone to" seem to have his rants directed straight to the cyber-bin. We and others have, however, kept and forwarded along his very serious past threats.

Let us stipulate here publicly: we never spoofed a nurse;; we don't have the time or desire to ruin Stone's legal cases, life or anything else; his victims are not being manipulated or threatened by us, the people he's named as those behind this blog? wrong on every count (he found the names of some of our victims, apparently contacted their predators and then attempts tried to single them out as us.); we don't just start up reposting things - our members request that we repost stories and we do; we do not interfere with legal cases or investigations; we did not shut down any investigation anywhere, we do not know how and never have hacked anyone's computer - especially his. Stone simply isn't that important to us.

In short, Stone is just one of many people we expose or help others get away from every year. He's a very tiny pebble in a very big pile though his delusions of persecution by us would have one thinking he was our sole target. In fact, he continues to believe that pebble is a massive mountain range of our 'cyber crimes'. LOL (He's not the only cyberpath who spouts this nonsense either.)

Stone seems to expect everyone he contacts to feel outrage for him and take up his "cause" en masse... no one cares.

No, we are rerunning this at the request of his victims. Simply to expose the craziness to everyone. Nothing more and certainly nothing less.

So that everyone can see what comes from these relentless cyberharassers who get upset when things don't go their way - we're going to share just some of the latest we've gotten since rerunning the two-year-old expose:


Gary Stone



date Mon, Apr 18, 2011 at 3:47 PM

subject more potential legal interference

The blog link described hacking that have occurred in tandem

with me discussing XXX's presence on facebook. The hackers had access into my computer and could go back out on to the Internet, which would make any Internet activity generated appear to be done by me. As my IP address would show up for example, on the hub, an article on secondary hypo adrenalsim was deleted twice. It was easy to do, as my Norton ID safe was filling in passwords.

Secondary hypoadrenalism is..XXX' disease.

Bold text was removed from one article multiple times.. easy to do

as Norton ID safe would auto fill screen name and password.

My website was shut down.(x 30) easy to do with Norton ID safe access, and the last

visitor (the hackers) would appear to me because entry into my computer back out again

to hack, would appear as my IP address.

. There is no question that there is antipathy

between XXXX and my self, the cyberpath blog and my self, about my website.

The deleted disease article did not relate XXX's name, and was not done to hurt XXX, it was

done to educate others.

My Point.relates to the emails I sent about interference in legal matters

My email appears to be accessed from the evidence ive recorded and posted

any hacker doing this would be able to read about other issues that I have of a legal nature regarding my dads estate

, these matters do not pertain

to XXX, or the cyberpath blog, and these issues could be "influenced" as the others were, behind the scenes..

These hacking were done by the vested interests. There is no question in my mind about it.

And here is the evidence for those hacking .XXXX

I am certain the republishing of this old debunked testimony could only have an adverse effect

on these other unrelated issues. But specifics about these issues could be fed to the other side


It is possible and probable that part of the reason for this republication may be to do just that.

The other part is about these people seeing me as standing in my way, when they did this, was only a matter of time, since they resent two articles on the internet,, the Malignant defamations article on the hub, and the Googlephone article on my webiste. Those articles keep attention on them that they do not like. But - obviously, they need to be there.

Only computer experts can evaluate this evidence. The reasoning that it is XXXX related,

and connected to the cyberpath blog using sounclick, is very very strong. There are two facts that are irrefutable.

The connection between XXXXX is noxious. The agenda with the cyberpath blog, and XXXX

is also noxious. It is poisonous to XXX because it incourages further aggression, instigation

In fact this collusion has never really stopped since 09 - XXXXs involvement might be the result

of an implied threat that they pose to her.

Tbank You for your Attention

Gary Stone



from Gary Stone,


date Mon, Apr 18, 2011 at 11:06 AM

subject ? of Obstruction


A challenge to the British Welfare department.

The cyberpath blog argues that legal authorities are confused. But we can deconfuse them by asking them to investigate certain events. For example: it is true that I sent a welfare fraud report to Britain circa June 2008. I am going to challenge the British authorities by asking them a straight forward question. Did any anonymous individuals, perhaps ones calling themselves fighter, write the British welfare system, and try to confuse and confound

a welfare investigation in Britain, from the instant they assumed XXXX's story circa July August


This group is alleging that they did not pretend to be a nurse and send these anonymous emails in Aug/September of 2008, and this is why the question of interference in a British welfare investigation is important, especially if a pattern of interference in another investigation was established before these emails were sent

Certain facts are true: the person the cyberpath blog calls victim1 is XXX.

I did submit a welfare report and I also submitted my story to to them about XXX's story.

But XXX's welfare statements, made to them in emails could only be hearsay, They are not relevant

to they relevant welfare period circa 2003 - 2007, and Jan 2008 to Mid may , the time that I sent the first report. They could not possibly know the truth

in this matter.

But - they could interfere, and try to confuse and confound that investigation, only british welfare would know the answer to his. And, the answer, one way or another is undeniable. It is in answering this question, that part of what they say is legal authorities confusion is cleared up.

Also, investigating the source of the emails that they deny writing, is very important. This are two events that could easily be cleared up. We proceed from there.

I believe my allegations to be true. That they spoofed a license professional nurse. And threatened a legal case.

they interfered with that case by judging it on line. The possibly contacted XXXX the nurse they impersonated. The contacted boson by directing them to their blogs in October 2008 They sent anon emails to my lawyer and eventually called the Boston attorney in April of 2010

(to be continued here, eventually. )

I also believe they contacted XXXX the British private investigator that I hired, to protect myself from XXX's false charges at the FBI/doj. And that they lied to him, and he produced a false report as a result. While the authorities may be confused, there are certain events that could be investigated to eliminate all confusion.

Interference in XXXX's welfare investigation is one thing the brits could investigate. In interference in the XXXX investigation is another FBI could track these anon posts. or supoena google for their origin.

This is ths subject of my next discussion)

Another fact of relevance. This group shut down all of my arguments to them at Wordpress, Zimbio and Mindsay, thru behind the scenes operations at blogs support. So, if they contacted welfare, and it is established they wrote these emails and it is obvious that they did, as soon after Their articles appeared and they slandered this case., and they shut down my investigation in Britain, what does this say about this group?

I believe it to be a fact, that this is the most corrupt group online. They are probably the biggest threat their is, on the Internet to due process, and for that reason they are a threat to civilization. But British welfare can substantiate some of my claims and help substantiate others. The motives of XXXX should be clear, and so should the motives of XXX. What they cyberpath blog is alleging now, is false, that I am trying to detroy XXX, as they are involved ger soundclick harassment, and they are involved in her move to facebook, her hyperlinking to mearns radio, and XXX is, in part doing this, to please them, as to vent. But I also believe she is terrified of them, and she is doing it for that reason as well. And so , I would advise, XXXX seek some asylum where she can discuss what may very well be the threat that this group hold for her. .



Stone's even taken to Facebook so be careful... this situation is ALL HE CAN SEEM TO TALK ENDLESSLY ABOUT... even though it all came to nothing years ago...

Advice for XXX

by Gary Stone
on Sunday, April 17, 2011 at 7:27pm
You came by here as Auntie three, to warn me didn't you. What kind of strangle hold do this twits have on you?


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    • Gary Stone
      You know what they are XXX. Find a way, help me take them down
      21 hours ago ·
    • Gary Stone
      This is why chang turned up and Eichenberger isn't it?
      21 hours ago ·
    • Gary Stone
      Look, how do you expect me to interpret thiese things. It is far too whacky. Somebody has to spell it out better. If they come at you I will defend you. I will even defend him but I dont think theres much interest on his part, hes one of them now
      21 hours ago ·
    • Gary Stone
      XXXX you said you never existed. What did you mean?
      20 hours ago ·
    • Gary Stone
      You said you were out of control and that you couldbt control XXXX
      20 hours ago ·
    • Gary Stone
      it's time to stand up for something. If these people are threatening you and I think they might be
      20 hours ago ·
    • Gary Stone
      It makes sense, that you would not take your stuff down for appearances sake, but - is that what it was...No more appearances XXXX. Lets get real for change.
      20 hours ago ·
    • Gary Stone
      I think You should level with someone XXX, maybe you could talk to chang?
      20 hours ago ·
    • Gary Stone
      XXXX XXX, her license is in the balance. You know what she did and when .
      20 hours ago ·
    • Gary Stone
      You know every thin XXXX did with XXX he has certs
      20 hours ago ·
    • Gary Stone
      he could lose them
      20 hours ago ·
    • Gary Stone
      XXXX, how did he sabbotage my PI in britain? You have let this roll on too far and it;s got too big, You need to talk to somebody, because girl you are trapped
      20 hours ago ·
    • Gary Stone
      HOw did ally byrds compaint board expose come down? What did XXXX
      20 hours ago ·
    • Gary Stone
      say? He could lose his license. They dont get their legal means they are all crooks
      20 hours ago ·
    • Gary Stone
      if you cant find a way , you will go down
      19 hours ago ·
    • Gary Stone
      with t
      19 hours ago ·
    • Gary Stone
      XXXX, did anyone at the cyberpath blog solicit my social security number from you. Did they log on with XXXX, and you, to lulu, and downloiad files, my social was there. At that time, you were involved.
      14 hours ago ·
    • Gary Stone
      Is there IP on lulu severs? did they at any time log on to songplanet and remove prices, using the hacked lulu password. If we sybpoenaed song planet, lulu - would we find them there. You broke in to the "store" so to speak, did you also give them the lket?
      14 hours ago ·
    • Gary Stone
      can you identify which XXXX sent which anon email in August 08. Did they, contact my employer, did they key him to their October post 08? Did he, the main dude, post there?
      14 hours ago ·
    • Gary Stone
      Haven't "they" insinuated as much or - are they lying and did, "they: post there?
      14 hours ago ·
    • Gary Stone
      Now, my point is obvious, you know the answer to each question and many more like that, each one, if answered truthfully would indict them and destroy them.
      14 hours ago ·
    • Gary Stone
      XXXX the cyberpath blog took your story by late JUly early August, 2998 the period when I sent a report to welfare, is describing a period from 2003-2007, and Jan 2008, thru the time of the report, circa June 1 2008. Did the cyberpath blo...g, bombard dwp with descrediting information, and there bye interfere with a legiimate investigation of your welfare issues. Did they try to interfere with Justice in Britain, from a distance of 3500 miles, did they try to obscure that investigation by discrediting me, instead of my facts?See More
      2 hours ago ·
    • Gary Stone
      did they? And, did they then proceed to try and interfere with a civil case in America, another case that had nothing to do with them? did they do it as anon vigilantes from cyberspace calling themselves XXXXX
      2 hours ago ·
    • Gary Stone
      If they sent info to welfare while you were being investigated, they were onstructing justice, if they then threatened my legal case in anon emails, they were obstructing justice in another matter
      2 hours ago ·
    • Gary Stone
      And doing both within a very short period of time. It is a fact, if they did do this, that they really knew nothing about either issue, isn't it? Nothing except what you said, and they really didn't know you, and certainly did not know you, where it is relevant for your welfare.
      2 hours ago ·
    • Gary Stone
      Wouldnt welfare know if during that investigation they were flooded with calls and emails during the summer of 2008? My point is they are in massive denial about how they interfere with due process, and I suspect they did try to meddle in y...our welfare case, I am going to address their current denials about interference in my case, by asking welfare that question as a lead idea in the next article, posted by friday. It is a very important question to challenge welfare about. I read they said, "legal authorities are confused" who knows if the statement is true. But, I do know, they should not be...but for them, and you.See More
      about an hour ago ·
    • Gary Stone
      The cyberpath vigilantes thrive in an atmosphere of confusion, but creating the confusion, is the obstructive act.
      about an hour ago ·
    • Gary Stone
      Did the cyberpath blog,XXXX, then try to interfere with a Private investigator in Britain, one that I hired, XXXX?
      about an hour ago ·
    • Gary Stone
      did they XXXX?
      about an hour ago ·
    • Gary Stone
      didn't you hire a private investigator XXXX? And did you try to sabotage both my own lawyer,and my own private investigator?
      about an hour ago ·
    • Gary Stone
      And isn't it true that from 2008 til Jan 2009 you sucessful shut down all crticism of your testimony to them, while they freely propagated your story by "going behind the scenes to blog support, at wordpress, zimbio, and mindsay?
      about an hour ago ·
    • Gary Stone
      A pattern of obstruction, sabotage of my own civil rights and due process
      about an hour ago ·
    • Gary Stone
      freedom of speech, isn't this what the cyberpath blog is really about?
      about an hour ago ·
    • Gary Stone
      They see me as standing in their way and I am going to continue to do that. And these are not confusing questions, the answers can be investigated, and the results lead to clarity, no confusion
      about an hour ago ·

  • Gary Stone

    Studied Nursing at Salem State College
    Married Born on October 31, 1950

    Education and Work


    High School


    Religious Views

    Political Viewsconservavtive, republican

    Basic Information

    About GaryI have a website at
    some of the toylanders tunes as 90 sec clips are on facebook, you can buy full mp3 or ringtone, or both. here:

    retired, nuise, lab tech

    Relationship StatusMarried


    Contact Information


    Gary Stone
    Two years of cybercrime, chronciled here. The latest today, I discovered XXX logged on to gmail and started tracking web history, circa October. He took full advantage of Norton id safe to log on - but there a bigger implications for this creep. People believe their emails to ne are confidenti
    7 minutes ago
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  • You came by here as Auntie three, to warn me didn't you. What kind of strangle hold do this twits have on you? What exactly are they threatening you with? You appearance made no sense. As I did exactly what you wanted me to do, but you didn't reciprocate. Why?...
    21 hours ago
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    Two years of cybercrime, chronciled here. The latest today, I discovered XXXX had logged on to gmail and started tracking web history, circa October. He took full advantage of Norton id safe to log on - but there a bigger implications for this creep. People believe their emails to ne are confidenti
    22 hours ago
    · · · Share

      • Gary Stone
        And she is crazy. I asked her brother if there was something wrong with her when I called him. He said Yes,, But lets look at what XXXX said when she left, and I asked him why she left:
        21 hours ago ·
      • Gary Stone
        In 2007 XXXX admitted to having a diagnosis, but she wouldn't tell me what it was..."I don't like labels"
        21 hours ago ·

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  • XXX doing it with cyberpunks again XXX. The witches of Eastwick.
    23 hours ago
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      • Gary Stone
        In fact I think that is part of the reason for the XXXX keep them happy. Actually I am sure of it.
        23 hours ago ·
      • Gary Stone
        My answers will be here:
        22 hours ago ·

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  • This wil be a major blow out war with those fruit cake, but they wont be left standing
    Yesterday at 6:21am
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    • Vicente Torres
      likes this.
      • Gary Stone
        Thank you for your support Vincente I will need it. I will be very methodical and go slowly. And I will do it myself. I won't need a gang.
        Yesterday at 8:18am ·
      • Gary Stone
        Vincente tell the intellectuals to pay attention to the external blog. I wish somebody could get to XXXX. And talk her out of this. It is not going to be pleasant.
        22 hours ago ·

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  • THe cyberpath blog has started up again republishing the 2008 defamations

    lets name the culprits of that blog: XXXX. ANd, I guess we will have to go thru it with them again
    Yesterday at 5:14am
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      • Gary Stone
        step by step
        Yesterday at 5:14am ·
      • Gary Stone
        ‎-This time tho, we wil contact fbi and refer them to the page
        Yesterday at 5:15am ·

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  • Yesterday at 4:00am
    · · · Share

      • Gary Stone
        These assholes hacked into my system
        Yesterday at 4:02am ·
      • Gary Stone
        They probably had a contaminated system file they used for access. They aren't playing that game anymore
        Yesterday at 4:04am ·

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  • XXXX's smooth talking emails. They were all lies. She was offered a better deal before she came, and she took it. She didn't expect any thing real to happen here, as in somebody dying...
    Yesterday at 3:08am
    · · · Share

      • Gary Stone
        The analysis for welfare and department of pensions was impeccable.
        Yesterday at 3:40am ·
      • Gary Stone
        Next the multiple ways she attacked my civil case from scotland, and step by step analysis of how she destroyed it. We know why she did it. But for having done it, she should be in prision
        Yesterday at 3:42am ·
      • Gary Stone
        What should have been signifcant to welfare is a/ her skill at lying, b/ her announcement of plans with XXX Because if she was collecting then, the range of fraud character of it, and duration is better defined
        Yesterday at 3:48am ·

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  • Since Malware was found on XXX's site, and since it was obvious that XXXX was instigating trouble... the Hampton email, was sent to welfare where XXX argues he'd sent 14,000 and the government stole it....
    Yesterday at 2:20am
    · · · Share

      • Gary Stone
        The welfare fraud reports were avoidable. But the consequences were devastating. The price I pay for her crimes, is more crime, fairy stories and dim witted propaganda
        Yesterday at 2:27am ·
      • Gary Stone
        I am going to add emails sent to me Jan feb 2008 to illustrate xxx's skill at deception. She is a master, but I wasn't buying any of it. So, she cut emails off in february and threatened me with info she said she deleted.
        Yesterday at 2:29am ·
      • Gary Stone
        I realized that those emails were no different from ones she sent when we were together, and that for entire year she had played me, and the world.
        Yesterday at 2:30am ·

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  • xxx's welfare part one The cultivated deceiver. XXX told me that she lied to the CSA the child support agency in 2003 when xxx abandoned her, it is the agency that collects the fathers pay, and said, she didn't know where her former husband xxx was...she did. ...
    Saturday at 11:03pm
    · · · Share

      • Gary Stone
        Both are crimes the first count and the second. After the third count the matter ends up in the court system. Otherwise it is locked up in dss
        Saturday at 11:27pm ·
      • Gary Stone
        In the series it will become clear why she was reported
        Saturday at 11:27pm ·

    • My wife bought me a Panda bear T shirt that says "good karma"
      Saturday at 9:17pm
      · ·

        • Gary Stone
          And so now - I am fully protected against wiccans
          Saturday at 9:17pm ·

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  • Soundclick has maintained an illegal connection to my computer for many months

Be Aware of His Facebook friends too:


  • 26 minutes ago · · · Share

      • Gary Stone they are here, and they are watchin us flemmbo
        26 minutes ago ·

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  • 46 minutes ago · · · Share

      • Gary Stone see? it was posted anon, but it's supposedly me saying it. It was part of their "Google bomb" it fitted so nicely in my Google reference amid the dating psychos page, and their "ranting raving cyberpath" articles, it added a fringe element, a bit beyond the fringe. But the boston lawyer would love it, and no body would hire me.
        44 minutes ago ·
      • Gary Stone it was a page on a CNN news anchor guys page devoted to the topic.
        42 minutes ago ·
      • Gary Stone it was XXX who posted it. He was born in upstate minn. Maybe he saw some when he was high on hash. maybe he did get probed. I think he was Johnpleasureher in the anon emails
        41 minutes ago ·

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  • The second most important idea is that the program is not under the control of the president and when the president was about to leak it, they bumped him off."

    Wood's implication that JFK was killed because of his interest in UFOs is startling, to say the least. But he's not the only person who considers this a possibility.
    One of the things that many people don't know about President John F. Kennedy was that he was interested in UFOs and asked for information about them, even in the days leading up to his death.
    2 hours ago · · · Share

      • Gary Stone Now I understand everything. Can we get XXX abducted?
        about an hour ago ·
      • Gary Stone I think these grey fellas should come back and probe XXX

        about an hour ago ·
      • Gary Stone Ok flemm, I knew it all along, it wasn't the warren report, or a vast right wing conspiracy, it was, Grey space giyys, did you know I saw them in upstate minn. The cyberpunks said I did, on the CNN bulliten board, so I must have
        50 minutes ago ·
      • Gary Stone haha
        50 minutes ago ·
      • Earl Flemm I've never believed Oswald was the lone shooter.

What CNN Bulletin Board is he talking about??? just ridiculous...


more of Stone's Facebook - where he finds hidden meanings in every comma and talks TO HIMSELF:

  • Agony Aunt, Lifestyle & Etiquette Consultant
    Page: ‎9 people like this.
    about an hour ago
    · · · Share

      • Gary Stone
        the importa of soundclick ilikes are new.
        about an hour ago ·
      • Gary Stone
        lets see how she expands on that. because before it was adding more and more friends to soundclick now it is moving those soundcllick friends to facebook this poor poor victim
        about an hour ago ·
      • Gary Stone
        XXXX likes to play the on/pff game. She did that with her website. Maybe on the external blog we can post all of those images of you switching stonybox on/ and then off, zillions of times in one nite. Eventually you buried it into the Tor system so only Tor users could see it. So, we will show them all of you little gas lighting tricks.
        about an hour ago ·
      • Gary Stone
        We will keep you on top here.
        about an hour ago ·
      • Gary Stone
        We want our little fuckwit victim right where we can see her.
        about an hour ago ·
      • Gary Stone
        You can victimize if the world believes your victim crap can't you XXXX. What a cover story.
        about an hour ago ·
      • Gary Stone
        Poor lil old me, of course the world doesn't know how corrupt you are yet. We are going to show them
        about an hour ago ·

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  • she seems to be switching XXX on and off
    about an hour ago
    · ·

      • Gary Stone
        Lets see if we can link her here.
        about an hour ago ·

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  • XXX is actually importing sound click people, so she's being very aggressive
    about an hour ago
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  • XXXXX it looks as tho youve taken auntie audrey here, I will double check

    if you have, and this is not a game? I will try to defocus on you. and focus more on them. I will evaluate this. If you leave it off for a day? I will delete what is on facebook.
    about an hour ago
    · ·

      • Gary Stone
        Work with me on this XX you, and be patient. Please dont play games. leave it off, and I will delete facebook. comments.
        about an hour ago ·
      • Gary Stone
        I will do it tommorow, if it is still off.
        about an hour ago ·
      • Gary Stone
        Im tired.
        about an hour ago ·
      • Gary Stone
        Nope your back
        about an hour ago ·

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  • The cyberpunks are foaming earl, I think they've been stirring the cauldron for a long time. One thing is for certain. I have to find Basil
    5 hours ago
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      • Gary Stone
        He may have a thing or two to say to these wiccans
        5 hours ago ·
      • Gary Stone
        We may not be able to shut him up
        5 hours ago ·

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  • XXXX is really mad, one friend dropped off, she added another to 115 and added three more to 118.
    10 hours ago
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      • Gary Stone
        The eyeballs were also another thing, her signaling the cyberpathis attack
        10 hours ago ·
      • Gary Stone
        so the purpose as always is multilayers her symbolism, usually to three levels.
        10 hours ago ·
      • Gary Stone
        And they appeared on the day my father died
        10 hours ago ·
      • Gary Stone
        and - by design
        10 hours ago ·
      • Gary Stone
        I am not going to comment on all that they say I will visit once and awhile and deal with them step by step
        10 hours ago ·
      • Gary Stone
        When the blog is more organized, i will have a menu, and hyperlink to the hub article. And on various internet law cites and cyber forensics sites, I want an audience on them
        10 hours ago ·
      • Gary Stone
        But flemm, the show can go on. as usual
        10 hours ago ·
      • Gary Stone
        You don't think Oswald did it? I know he did it, I am absolutely convinced he did it, and did it along
        10 hours ago ·
      • Gary Stone
        so we can add the conspiracy theory debate on our show. And the UFO debate. There is only on thing about UFOS that I find interesting, and that is that Gordon Cooper believed in them, and says he's seen one land on an air strip while he wes testing aircraft. But they don't make sense to me. Aliens have too far to travel, and how would they know where to go?
        10 hours ago ·
      • Gary Stone
        Flemmbo XXXX and eopc are the only aliens Ive ever met
        10 hours ago ·


(sent to us by Stone's victims)


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